Blog | Facing Cancer Together

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Tag – Breast-cancer

How to make chemo manageable

I've come to realize that chemo would be so extremely different if I wasn't surrounded by the people who constantly make me smile and laugh.

June 29, 2017 | by Lindsey Finkelstein

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When is breast cancer "beaten?"

Determining when breast cancer has been truly beaten is not so simple, and it may depend on a variety of factors.

June 19, 2017 | by Georgia Gables

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Handling life when you find out you have breast cancer

While there's no one right path that you can take to live with cancer, there are certainly things you can do to make sure that you are able to handle your life after your diagnosis.

May 16, 2017 | by Georgia Gables

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From blondie to baldie

When I first found out I had cancer, one of my first questions had to do with losing my hair as it was something I was so scared to lose.

May 2, 2017 | by Lindsey Finkelstein

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World Health Day: 5 tips for balancing depression and breast cancer

To live with depression is one thing and to be diagnosed with cancer is another – but to deal with them simultaneously is a whole other ballgame.

April 7, 2017 | by Lindsey Finkelstein

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Stronger than stigma: Breast cancer and my mental health

How could I be so young and have cancer? How will I be strong enough to cope with this disease? Will it affect my mental health? Will I be able to continue school? In the blink of an eye, my whole life changed and I feared that it would never be the same

March 17, 2017 | by Lindsey Finkelstein

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Survivor tip: Allow yourself an identity that isn't about cancer

This is the thing, when you have cancer – like, when you are stuck with living with cancer, one of the best things possible is to forget about it all together.

March 1, 2017 | by Catherine Brunelle

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Riding Shotgun: Dealing with cancer as a male caregiver

“I struggled with the prospect of losing the most important person in my life, but also with the helplessness that you feel along the way,” Don says. “It’s a peculiar, male notion, that idea that ‘I’ll fix this’. But with cancer, that’s not going to happen.”

Feb. 28, 2017 | by Facing Cancer Together

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Leaning in and looking back: My decision to dive into a new job while battling breast cancer

The day I was diagnosed with a breast cancer recurrence – stage 4 seriousness, was the first time the word ‘disability’ was mentioned. 

Feb. 16, 2017 | by Catherine Brunelle

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On the Mend: A ‘be prepared' list from an experienced patient and survivor

I have decided to count well days now. We overlook them – it's all about perspective.

Feb. 16, 2017 | by Dr. Both Sides

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