Do something beautiful


Since 1992, thousands of people have offered their time and skills to LGFB. We couldn’t make our program a reality without the big hearts and talents of our volunteer team from coast to coast who deliver our curriculum with empathy and equity, helping to empower and educate those facing cancer.

Submit an application to become a volunteer and use your talent to do something beautiful for those facing cancer.


Urgent Need Locations

Are you a make-up artist (MUA), cosmetic consultant, cosmetologist, esthetician or spa skin specialist? Do you have experience with the cosmetics industry, direct make-up sales, beauty counters, dermatology clinics or other relevant experience?

LGFB needs volunteers for our Skincare and Cosmetics workshops. Both in-person and online volunteers are needed. Please apply by using the Become A Volunteer button above.

Don’t have a background in cosmetics or skincare? LGFB also needs moderators for all our online workshop topics. We’ll teach everything you need to know about the topic. You just need to be comfortable greeting workshop participants, familiar with zoom and be able to commit to a specific time each month. Please apply using the Become a Volunteer button above.

Please note the day/time volunteers must be available.

Note: We are accepting volunteers at other locations. Please submit an application and we will contact you as needs arise.


Location City Time Needed
Wellspring Alberta - Carma Calgary 1 – 3PM 1st Wednesday of every month
Cross Cancer Institute Edmonton 9:30 – 11:30 AM 3rd Thursday of every month
Cross Cancer Institute Edmonton 4:30 – 6:30 PM 3rd Thursday of every month
Wellspring Alberta – Edmonton House Edmonton 10AM – 12 Noon 1st Wednesday of every month
Jack Ady Cancer Centre – Chinook Regional Hospital Lethbridge 1:15 – 3:15 PM 1st Tuesday of every month


British Columbia

Location City Time Needed
Canadian Cancer Society – Jean C. Barber Lodge Vancouver 6:30 – 8:30 PM 4th Tuesday of every month
Canadian Cancer Society – Jean C. Barber Lodge Vancouver 1 – 3 PM 1st Thursday of every month

New Brunswick

Location City Time Needed
Moncton City Hospital Moncton 1:30 – 3:30 PM 1st Wednesday of every month
Saint John Regional Hospital Saint John 1:30 – 3:30 PM 3rd Monday of every month

Nova Scotia

Location City Time Needed
Canadian Cancer Society – Halifax Halifax 6:30 – 8:30 PM 2nd Wednesday of every month
Canadian Cancer Society – Halifax Halifax 1 – 3 PM 4th Tuesday of every month


Location City Time Needed
Quinte Health Centre Belleville Daytime Once a month
Kingston General Hospital (Cancer Centre) Kingston Daytime Once a month
Wellspring London and Region London 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM 2nd Wednesday of every other month
Markham Stouffville Hospital Markham 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM 2nd Wednesday of every month
TBD Mississauga Daytime Once a month
Wellspring Niagara Cancer Support Foundation Niagara 1 – 3 PM 2nd Wednesday of every month
Wellspring Birmingham Gilgan House  Oakville 7 – 9 PM Last Monday of every month
Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre – General Campus Ottawa Daytime Once a month
Ottawa Cancer Foundation – Community Cancer Hub Ottawa 6:30 – 9:00 PM 4th Tuesday of every month
Sault Area Hospital Sault Ste Marie 6:30 – 8:30 PM 1st Tuesday of every other month
Scarborough Health Network - Centenary Site Scarborough Evening Once a month
Northeast Cancer Centre Sudbury 6:30 – 8:30 PM 2nd Tuesday of every month
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Toronto 10 AM – 12 PM 1st Thursday of every month
Princess Margaret Lodge Toronto Evening Every month

Quebec (English)

Location City Time Needed
Cedars Cancer Centre Montréal 12:30 – 2:30 PM One day/month
JGH Hope and Cope Wellness Centre Montréal 1 – 3 PM One day/month
Lakeshore General Hospital Pointe-Claire 9:30 – 11:30 AM Every month


Location City Time Needed
Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Regina 1:30 – 3:30 PM 2nd Thursday of every month

Online Volunteers

Location City Time Needed
Moderators for online workshops N/A 1.5 hours (Times vary) Once a month – day and evening available


Scroll down for a description of our in-person and online volunteer opportunities.

Cosmetic Advisor:  Are you a trained makeup artist, esthetician, or beauty expert?   Are you able to teach content in a clear and simple manner, while creating a warm and welcoming environment?   Skincare & Cosmetics Volunteers help deliver the LGFB signature content, demonstrating steps and encouraging participants to follow along. (Online or in-person)

Wigs & Hair Alternatives Specialist:  Do you have experience in demonstrating wig choices, construction and care, plus a knack with tying scarves in a variety of ways?    Are you able to teach content in a clear and simple manner, while creating a warm and welcoming environment?   The Workshop Leader will deliver the LGFB signature content, demonstrating steps on themselves and encouraging participants to follow along. (Online or in-person)

Bra Prostheses and bra Specialist: Do you have experience required through industry experience or formal training in demonstrating the variety of prostheses and bras as well as explaining their benefits? The Workshop Leader will deliver the LGFB signature content by demonstrating general bra fitting tips, the different types of bras and protheses available as well as information on financial reimbursement and what to look for in a retailer. (Online only)

Online Workshop Moderator:   Are you known for putting people at ease?  The Online Moderator welcomes participants as they join the platform and supports the Workshop Leader by keeping track of time, questions and content.  The Moderator gently encourages participants to ask questions and share (while always respecting individual choice for participation) and fosters the sense of camaraderie and supportive care that LGFB is known for. (Online only)

Reminder Calls:  Do you have a friendly phone manner and are able to answer questions simply and patiently?   The Reminder Call Volunteer calls to remind registrants about their workshop, answers any questions about the workshop and explains the Zoom platform, if needed.  Volunteers will access our registration system to retrieve call lists and reschedule participants to a new day/time as necessary. Reminder Call Volunteers must have free long distance (within Canada) on their phone plan. (From home)

Community Outreach:  Are you a supportive team player and community-Driven? The Community Outreach Volunteer will act as a Look Good Feel Better Ambassador by being responsible of connecting with patients and promoting our Online or In-Person workshops at their sites.   You will work with the LGFB team to develop and implement strategies to increase our visibility in your local community. (Online and in-person) 

Our volunteers have nothing but amazing things to say about the program.

But don’t take our word for it – take it from Agnes, a cancer survivor turned volunteer:

"I remember how crucial it was for me to be around positive people when hope was so low. Now, as a volunteer, I have a chance to offer a positive energy, attitude, and knowledge about how to empower yourself with makeup and hair; for a woman facing cancer it is so helpful and truly mind-strengthening."
- Agnes, Cancer Survivor, LGFB Volunteer

Ambassador 30th Anniversary Message