My experience as a Mirror Ball 2017 amb…


My experience as a Mirror Ball 2017 ambassador

Nov. 24, 2017 | by Adriana Lombardo

On Friday, November 10th, I had the opportunity to attend Look Good Feel Better’s annual Mirror Ball.

I attended as an Ambassador alongside four other beautiful, incredible women all of which we shared one common ground: that we are all PROUD to be Look Good Feel Better Ambassadors.

We arrived at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel where we met our glam squad – Smashbox who did our makeup and a hair-styling team from Wella Professionals.

The five of us were stunning!

We spent the afternoon sharing our stories and getting to know one another. Some of us had met for the first time, so it was quite enjoyable to build new friendships and rekindle old ones.

After dress-rehearsal we went to change - Mirror Ball is known as a glamourous evening, so we were excited to get down there and be a part of this spectacular event.

We were invited to speak and share the impact that the organization has had on us, to show the companies and sponsors the different age ranges that the organization serves.

From attending a workshop at the tender age of 16 to almost 60 years old, they were able to see where their donations go and how the charity impacts teens and women of all ages.

We Ambassadors went up on stage that evening to speak in front of the 600-plus guests.

Sandra Carusi, our incredibly talented emcee who is currently battling cancer for the fifth time, introduced each of us as we walked onto the dark stage after a video played.

The lights came on and the room exploded in a thunderous clap.

Emotions began to rise deep within me as I realized how important this organization is to me and how it helped me through an unimaginable time that no woman should ever have to go through.

Flashbacks of my time at a workshop appeared in my head as I looked around the room where we were graciously given a standing ovation.

I couldn’t help but feel so much strength on that stage, standing next to those other warriors.

I could no longer hold back my tears.

As the audience settled, Sandra asked each of us the same question: What impact did Look Good Feel Better have on you?

We each gave a powerful response that allowed the audience to see their money and products aren’t just donated to a charity to “pretty” a woman going through cancer, but to remind her that she is a woman who may be going through an inconceivable time, but that her goals and dreams can never be taken away from her.

Being in a room full of the creators and supporters of this amazing charity allowed me to gain a new respect for what I do and my purpose as an Ambassador.

So much work, money, and time goes into putting women through workshops and it was breathtaking to see all those people come together in a room to share their support.

It reminded me how important it is to give back and help others who are currently battling cancer.

Look Good Feel Better allowed me to take back some control during an uncontrollable situation.

Cancer may take a woman’s hair and eyebrows away from her, but it will never take her drive, spunk, and dreams.

It is not considered vanity when we have no control on what cancer leaves us with or without, but we do have control on how we choose to deal with it.

Women who attend Look Good Feel Better workshops walk out feeling empowered and confident. They walk out knowing that they can go home and have the tools to look and feel like themselves again.

Through all of this, we are still women and as one of the beautiful Ambassadors, Donna Pepin, said, “Girls just wanna have fun!”


View photos from Mirror Ball 2017 here.


look good feel better Identity Beauty leukemia

Adriana Lombardo

Life after Leukemia

I’m Adriana, a leukemia survivor who took sickness to fitness. After receiving a total left hip replacement upon completing treatment in 2017, I became a certified Personal Trainer Specialist. I now am a student at George Brown College studying Health & Fitness Promotion. Being a health & wellness enthusiast, I am passionate about helping people live a healthy and active lifestyle. My goal is to help cancer patients and survivors! I want to use my experience and my growing knowledge to share stories, post tips, healthy snack ideas and more. Going through treatment isn’t easy, and finishing treatment isn’t easier. Let me help you find your inner – and outer – strength.
