Blog | Facing Cancer Together

Facing Cancer Together offers a safe, confidential place to share your thoughts with a community you can relate to.

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Archive – May 2019

“You can tell that glow didn’t come from the makeup”: My first time volunteering in a LGFB workshop

The beauty industry is not just skin-deep, contrary to popular belief. In the midst of all the glitz and glamour, you’ll find that it can also be deeply empowering. Think about the last time you’ve had a bad day. What did you do? Perhaps you had a warm bath with a cup of your favourite tea and a hydrating face mask on. Or maybe, you sought after a mini makeover at your go-to beauty counter to give yourself a little confidence boost.

June 18, 2019 | by Lumen Beltran

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My ultimate fight

On December 17, at the age of 48, Josée was diagnosed with a Sarcoma cancer, a very rare form of cancer that usually affects men, 50 years and older and tall. "I'm 135 pounds, I don’t smoke, and I was in good health," says Josée, "it was a real shock and a total misunderstanding”. Josée defines herself as a person who loves life, who is always positive, hardworking, athletic and who likes to be surrounded by people. Her life changed without warning ...

She was referred to a wonderful doctor to whom she entrusts her life with a feeling of …

June 14, 2019 | by Marsha Roc-Malychenkova

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3 Tips to Get the Perfect #WINKDay Selfie!

Nailing that insta-worthy selfie can be quite the hassle. After all, there are a ton of factors involved in taking the perfect selfie. Lighting, angles, and your surroundings all play a role in capturing your inner glow. Adding a friendly wink to the mix can make it a smidge more difficult to snap.

But if that winking selfie can help women with cancer feel like themselves again, who wouldn’t be up for the challenge? It’s the most selfless selfie you can take!

Read on for 3 of my top tips to take your winking selfie game to the next level.

June 12, 2019 | by Lumen Beltran

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“Why we WINK”: Employees inspired by peer

Fifteen years ago, Aida was 30 years old, with a 6-month-old son and had just been diagnosed with cancer.

The diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma was devastating. Having a new baby at home and learning to navigate life as a new mother as well as a cancer patient was the hardest thing Aida had ever done. As much as the treatment was physically and mentally taking its toll, she was surprised to find another thing weighing on her – the changes to her appearance.

June 12, 2019 | by Benita Hensraj

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