Blog | Facing Cancer Together

Facing Cancer Together offers a safe, confidential place to share your thoughts with a community you can relate to.

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Archive – November 2018

“The first time we truly felt powerful and in control:” Best friends Look Good and Feel Better

You may remember we first met Lan and Yvette last year when they attended a Look Good Feel Better workshop together.

Best friends since grade two, the pair had already been through many life milestones together. They had seen each other through career successes, weddings, motherhood – and then breast cancer, receiving their diagnoses just four days apart.

Dec. 20, 2018 | by Marsha Roc-Malychenkova

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What makes a good chemo buddy?

One thing you need during chemo is a buddy. Your chemo buddy is someone who will not only drive you to the hospital, but will provide snacks, laughs and sometimes silence… a very important role.
If you are ever in the market for a chemo buddy, here are some tips you may want to keep in mind.

Dec. 17, 2018 | by JC Chessell

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Hair today, Gone Tomorrow

I really didn’t expect to be so upset by my hair loss. I’d had short hair for as long as I could remember, thought it would be no big deal. My hair had been every colour under the rainbow, even, I think, my own. I had grown it out the year before my diagnosis, and kept it a pretty “grown up” blonde.

Dec. 17, 2018 | by JC Chessell

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What to expect when you’re not expecting cancer: Christa and Kate’s story

Christa and Kate are both young women, mothers, and in 2016, just 3 months apart, both diagnosed with terminal cancer. Kate was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer and Christa with metastatic cervical cancer.

Dec. 7, 2018 | by Marsha Roc-Malychenkova

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